Presently there is no BSNL Rules for recognition of non- executive unions in the PSU. All the verifications
in the past have been done for recognition as per aged old code of discipline which is applicable only in respect of
Central Trade Unions. Majority of unions barring one or two demanded on different occasions that BSNL should
frame its own rules of recognition, so that the grievances and problems of employees scattered through out the
country are redressed and settled. The corporate office has already framed such rules for recognition in respect of
Executive Associations and unions.
It is submitted that the Recognised and Majority union, BSNLEU, has also now requested the management
vide their letter No. BSNLEU/200 (REGN) dated 28-12-2011 for framing BSNL’s own Recognition Rules based
on the concept of Proportionate Representation in the Negotiation Machineries at different levels. The NFTE BSNL
is agitating for last four years and requesting the management to evolve its own procedure and rules for recognition
of unions and extension of minimum Trade union facilities so that the sufferings of the staff may get due attention
and redressal.
We may also invite kind attention to pare 4.1 of BSNL letter No. BSNL/5-1/SR/2008 dated 18-12-2008. In
the course of meeting the Delhi Chief Labour Commissioner opined that the company may frame its own Rules in
the matter. The management also expressed to consider the request during 4th verification. However, no headway
was made as “SR Cell” could not take prior steps in this regard.
We may also add that apart from the fact that the “Code of Discipline” is wrongly and illegally being
applied on non- affiliated unions for recognition heavy expenditures are also incurred in verifications. The
congenial atmosphere also gets polluted affecting the performance.
We, therefore, urge upon you to very kindly take proper steps for framing of BSNL’s own rules for
recognition of unions. This is in continuation of our letter No. TF-1/1 (F) dated 18-11-2011.
An early action is solicited.
Yours faithfully,
(Chandeshwar Singh)
General Secretary
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