Subject: Transfer Policy-Clarification regarding.
In para 6 ( b ) of BSNL Hqr letter No. 6-1/2007-Restg dt 07-05-2008 the cut off date has been prescribed as 31st March of the year. The orders of Transfer are normally issued in April / May 2010 and on completion of two years tenure employees are not brought back to their choice of stations. Such staff are asked to wait for the month of March and in the process they are considered for repatriation after three years. We strongly feel that this is not the sprit of above orders and staff may not be required to stay more than the tenure of 2 years against their willingness.
It is stated that the CGM, Gujrat vide letter (Copy enclosed) has referred the case for clarification.
Therefore, we solicit you to please get the matter clarified so that the employees serving in rural areas etc are not forced to work for 3 years due to misinterpretation of orders referred above.
Yours faithfully,

General Secretary
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